This legislation creates a basic guideline for how the San Andreas Medical Bank Account can be utilized between factions, ensuring it is used fairly to assist all of our state’s medical professionals in their day to day work.
This legislation protects the Right to Healthcare by enabling our state’s medical factions access to funding when needed, as well as our medical professional’s Right to Information by establishing a process of documentation as to where this funding is going.
This bank account may only be utilized by the Board of Directors of the San Andreas Medical Group, High Command of the Emergency Medical Services, or the Director of the San Andreas Medical Authority. Any transfers or withdrawals will follow the guidelines as listed below.
Any transactions must list the name of the person making the transaction, which faction it is for, and a brief description of the purpose.
Any doctor, EMS, psych member, or SAMA member outside of High Command may make a request for funding to their own High Command or the San Andreas Medical Authority with a written description of why the funding is necessary, to be approved by that High Command if determined necessary.
No one faction should exceed removing more than 50k in one 30 day period without approval from each other faction due to the shared nature of this account.
A simple signed document can be created with a signature of the SAMA Director, a member of the SAMG Board of Directors, and a member of EMS High Command to confirm any larger amount is approved by each.
The medical account should never be reduced to an amount less than $250,000 without approval from the heads of each faction utilizing the same signed document method.
Examples of things this money may be utilized for:
This legislation will be enacted immediately upon passing the approval process.
Medical Director Canter 2024-10-10
Submitted into MDT on 10/21/2024 by Justice Brittany Angel
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