The San Andreas Medical Authority shall form the Ethics Review Panel (ERP) in order to review complaints against licensed medical professionals in the State of San Andreas. The ERP shall consist of experienced medical professionals. No member involved in a corresponding civil trial shall be able to sit the ERP.
The ERP shall be convened to address malpractice convictions, PIPPA violations, egregious workplace violations (SOPs, Policy), HR Complaints, and any other matter the ERP Chair deems within their purview.
This legislation protects the Right to Healthcare of the people of the State of San Andreas by investigating complaints against medical professionals.
The ERP will make a recommendation to the medical professional’s high command regarding what punishment may be necessary, this punishment should be deemed commiserate with an offense, and in severe cases this may include:
The reviewed medical professional shall be afforded a representative of their rank or higher to speak for them at the ERP should they request it, however the reviewed shall be able to represent themselves.
The ERP Chair will be appointed by the current sitting SAMA Director, this individual must be a medical professional of at least the rank of Resident, EMT, or fully certified Psych member. The ERP Chair will determine when an ERP session is required, and will be responsible for choosing available medical professionals with the same rank requirements for this session.
Five medical professionals in total will form the panel that judges these sessions, made up of the ERP Chair and four others. To ensure that all factions have fair representation regarding their own practices, three of these individuals must belong to the same faction of the individual being judged. The ERP Chair may also invite employees from other government factions to offer input or witness the proceedings if they determine it necessary.
The ERP Chair will preside over the session and deliver the panel’s final recommendation to the High Command of the individual against whom the complaint has been lodged.
The ERP shall vote at the end of a review, a majority decision required to reach a verdict at which point the panel will then formally recommend a punishment or declare no ethical violation occurred.
This legislation will be enacted immediately upon passing the approval process.
Medical Director Canter 2024-09-06
Submitted into MDT on 10/21/2024 by Justice Brittany Angel
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