Cultivation Facility Legislation

Legislation,State Law


This legislation is to establish a legal framework for the operation of marijuana cultivation facilities within the State of San Andreas. This legislation sets forth standards for cultivation, allowances, legal protections from drug related criminal prosecutions and operational protocols.



To regulate the cultivation and wholesale distribution of marijuana within cultivation facilities, ensure legal standards are met, provide protections from criminal prosecution related to drug offenses, and establish operational guidelines for cultivation facilities in the State of San Andreas.


Constitutional Justification​

CFL aligns with each County’s authority to regulate local laws and commerce within its jurisdiction per Article II. By establishing clear standards for Cultivation Facilities, it promotes public health and safety, aligning the rights of citizens to protection and property per Article III. CFL commits to promoting general welfare and refinement of current decriminalization acts.



Cultivation Facility: A county authorized facility used for the cultivation of plants including marijuana, particularly those that require controlled environmental conditions.

Licensed Dispensary: A business authorized by Los Santos County or Blaine County to distribute products derived from cultivated marijuana plants.


Details and Stipulations​

1. Cultivation Facility Standards​

Location: Cultivation facilities must be located on a commercial property. No cultivation facility shall operate at any residential property.

Property: Cultivation Facility’s owner must have no felonies on record.


2. Limits and Allowances​

Cultivation Limits: A licensed cultivation facility may cultivate up to a maximum of 80 live plants at one time.

Distribution Limit: A licensed cultivation facility may only authorize packaged marijuana for delivery in a single instance with a maximum of 40 large-bag type units.

Production Limit: All distributed products must be entirely cultivated at the facility.


3. Product Distribution​

Authorized Distribution: Cultivation facilities within the State of San Andreas are only permitted to distribute their marijuana products to licensed marijuana dispensaries.

Documentation: All distributions must document the following:

  1. Dispensary’s name, Date and Time of transaction.
  2. Quantity and strains of marijuana.
  3. Total price of sale.

Delivery & Security Protocols: Incidents including theft or tampering must be immediately reported to the LSPD (if in Los Santos County) or the BCSO (if in Blaine County).


4. Legal Protections​

Exemption: Employees of authorized cannabis cultivation facilities, while performing their lawful duties, shall not be subject to criminal prosecution for the distribution, transportation, or sale of marijuana, provided these activities are conducted exclusively with registered dispensary proprietors and their staff.


5. Operation​

Licensing: In order to operate legally in the State of San Andreas, cultivation facilities are required to obtain a license, which comes with a base fee of $25,000; however, the Mayor’s Office retains the authority to set this fee as deemed appropriate. They can choose to issue licenses either through direct sales to qualified applicants or via a competitive bidding process.

Screening: All non-owner employees working for a cultivation facility must have no felony charges within the last 30 days.

Ownership: Owners must maintain a criminal record free of felony charges.

Reporting: Monthly transaction reports must be submitted to the LSCMO (if in Los Santos County) or the BCMO (if in Blaine County).



Compliance: Failure to comply with these legislative stipulations will result in license revocation or criminal prosecution.

Liability: It is the onus of the owner to ensure all current employees are qualified to work and that their facility is operating legally.

Inspections: Facilities are subject to inspection from county appointed inspectors.



Nino Chavez, Mayor of Los Santos County, 09-09-2024

Underwriter: Abilene Contralto Esq., Michael Razzel, 09-09-2024


Legislation Signed into Blaine County Law by Mayor Kyle Pred

Amended to State Law | Justice Arnold Weiss | 12/18/2024