Los Santos County Discretionary Spending Act

Los Santos County


This legislation provides the authority and guidelines for the Mayor of Los Santos County to make discretionary purchases for the benefit of the County. It outlines the limits on discretionary spending, requirements for financial documentation, and the need for cabinet support for such purchases.


Constitutional Justification​

In accordance with Article II of the San Andreas Constitution, the Mayor of Los Santos County has legislative authority over the County’s governance, which includes budgetary discretion for County operations and improvements. This Act codifies the Mayor’s ability to make discretionary purchases while ensuring fiscal responsibility and accountability.


Details and Implementation​

Discretionary Spending Authority​

The Mayor of Los Santos County is authorized to make discretionary purchases intended for the benefit of Los Santos County. These purchases must align with the County’s mission of providing effective public services, ensuring public safety, and supporting community welfare.


Transaction Documentation and Auditing​

A record of discretionary purchases must be maintained by the Los Santos County Mayor’s Office. Documentation and records of these transactions are subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) compliance, ensuring public access to information regarding County expenditures.


Spending Limit per Transaction​

To maintain fiscal prudence, the Mayor may not spend more than 10% of the existing balance of the Los Santos Authority Account (Account #10) on any single discretionary purchase. This limit is based on the current account balance at the time of the transaction and must be calculated and recorded prior to purchase authorization.


Cabinet Approval Requirement​

The Mayor must secure majority support from the Los Santos County Cabinet before authorizing a discretionary purchase. Specifically:

: At least 60% of the cabinet members must be in favor of the discretionary purchase.

: The approval must be documented through written or electronic confirmation from each supporting cabinet member.


Records of cabinet approvals for each discretionary purchase must be maintained and made available for audit or FOIA requests as required.



This legislation shall take effect immediately upon signature.



Nino Chavez

Mayor, Los Santos County


Underwriter: Michael Razzel, 11-04-2024