This legislation seeks to allow for medical professionals licensed to practice in the State of San Andreas to address potential public health and safety risks and establishes a schedule for any and all controlled substances, and further provides the Department of Justice the tools necessary to address these matters in the legal system.
This safeguard’s the public’s Right to Health by ensuring that substances with higher public health risks are more strictly controlled and monitored, and facilitating better access to necessary medications for patients who need them, while preventing the spread of harmful substances.
Four different categories of drug will be established, when a drug is found it will be the responsibility of the Los Santos Medical Group to test it for its public health risk, as well as if there are any known benefits. They will make a recommendation of which category the drug belongs to and submit this to the Department of Justice, so the drug can be scheduled appropriately. These drugs will be considered legal to possess until scheduled, and their categorization can be reassessed at any time if reason is found to do so. Those categories as well as drugs that fit into each schedule are listed below, with the charges that will apply to each.
Schedule I – high public health risk, no medical benefits
1st Degree Possession of a Schedule I Drug
2nd Degree Possession of a Schedule I Drug
Schedule II – lesser public health risk, no medical benefits
1st Degree Possession of a Schedule II Drug
2nd Degree Possession of a Schedule II Drug
Schedule III – low public health risk, no/low medical benefits
1st Degree Possession of a Schedule III Drug
2nd Degree Possession of a Schedule III Drug
3rd Degree Possession of a Schedule III Drug
Pharmaceutical – some public health risk, but significant medical benefits
Possession of a Pharmaceutical Drug without a Prescription
In addition, a felony charge of “Production of a Controlled Substance” will be created that applies to all schedules, as well as pharmaceutical drugs.
In the event that a certified Law Enforcement Officer discovers a new or unscheduled medical substance and/or drug and wishes it to be tested by the the Los Santos Medical Group, they may seize the substances from any citizen(s) or property that it was discovered in. The LEO must document this seizure and return any unused substances that are leftover after the testing is performed provided that it is not made illegal based off findings.
Pharmaceutical medications will require a valid prescription signed by both the patient and a licensed pharmacist to possess, these pharmacists will be licensed from within the Los Santos Medical Group by its Board of Directors.
Each county will be afforded the opportunity by the Department of Justice to legislate minor changes in how Schedule III drugs are handled within their jurisdiction, and may decriminalize up to the 3rd degree amount for personal use.
The implementation will begin with the creation of each charge as listed, and will continue to be updated as medications are scheduled.
Signed by 𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕬𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖙 2024-07-29
Amended to replace painkillers with oxycodone by 𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕬𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖙 2024-10-16
The Los Santos County Mayor’s Office Website is run solely by the Cabinet of Mayor Nino Chavez.
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