Facially Enhanced License

Los Santos County


There is a population of citizens in Los Santos who often have their faces discriminated against, including but not limited to, having their faces referenced as masks. This can at times lead to said individuals having parts of their face maliciously ripped off. Other citizens with facial medical conditions may unreasonably be subject to having their breathing apparatus and medical face masks torn from their person, resulting in unknown medical side effects. This piece of legislation aims to protect them.



All citizens residing in Los Santos County.


Constitutional Justification:

The legislation aligns with Article III, section 3 (Right to Dignity) and Article III, section 8 (Right to Health and Protection of Others) of the constitution.



FEL – Facially Enhanced License

LSPD – Los Santos Police Department


  1. Citizens who are qualified may register for special protections via the Facially Enhanced License.
  2. In order to qualify, citizens must fall into one of the following categories:

a. Facial Medical Condition

b. Medical condition that requires a specialty apparatus that may cover part or all of the face

c. Facial Prosthetics

d. Citizens that have a unique facial prosthetic

e. Any other situation approved by the Board of directors.

3. To Acquire a FEL the following steps must be taken;

a. Attend a Doctor appointment with a member of Los Santos Medical Group, where the Citizen will undergo a full physical exam.

1. The Doctor will assign the Patient into one of two qualifying categories;

a. Facial Medical Condition

b. Facial Prosthetic

4. The Doctor must sign a report and contact a member of LSPD. The Officer is then required to fill out the following information on the Citizens Profile;

a. Signing Doctor

b. Details including whether the Citizen falls into category 1 or 2 of Section 3. (a)(i) of this legislation

c. Date of information added

d. Date License was issued

e. Officer who entered the information

5. No one other than a qualified Doctor of Los Santos Medical Group may attempt to remove the item from the face of the Citizen.

a. This also disallows an untrained citizen from removing the item oneself

6. Anyone who attempts to remove an item outlined in this legislation, without authorization listed, will be subject to criminal proceedings and/or civil charges

7. Those who have been issued a license in accordance with this legislation shall have the item or medical apparatus recognized as one’s face. This means the Citizen will be afforded the dignity and other rights our Constitution afforded for all.


Implementation of Legislation:

This legislation will take effect upon passing and regulatory screening and current approval processes.



This legislation will finally afford Citizens of Los Santos county who suffer from medical conditions such as clown face, will finally be able to have the rights and securities afforded to all Citizens.



Nino Chavez

Los Santos Mayor’s Office

August 10, 2024


Underwriter: LSCMO, Bill Maze 10 AUG 2024



LSMG, Philippa Canter 10 AUG 2024

Legislation written by former Justice Bill Maze