Events are vital to the state of San Andreas, and that is no different from Blaine County, for they provide an outlet of fun and relaxation from the daily stressors of life, help to maintain a healthy economy, and allow citizens to mingle and build relationships with their peers. This legislation aims to be informative for citizens seeking to host events in Blaine County as to what their options are when seeking support from the Mayor of Blaine County.
In the Constitution, Article II, Section 2 states that the Blaine County Mayor has the authority to create legislation that pertains to the residents and their operations within Blaine County. Furthermore, there is nothing in the Constitution that denies the Mayor of Blaine County from providing any kind of support for events that they deem fit.
Should a citizen deciding to host an event come up with an idea for said event that would incur personal significant costs, the citizen may approach the Mayor of Blaine County with a formal proposal to request reimbursement after the event has taken place.
This formal proposal is to include the following:
– Name, State ID, and phone number of the applicant
– Name of the event and supporting promotional materials
– General details about the event and how it was run
– A photo of the event itself while it was occurring
– Proof of transactions for all event purchases
– The total sum of those transactions
– The amount being requested for reimbursement
Should the Mayor’s Office of Blaine County deem the proposal complete and worthy of reimbursement, they may provide reimbursement to the applicant via the County account or Blaine County Mayor’s Account via bank transfer. The reimbursement shall never exceed the amount proven/requested, and the Mayor of Blaine County reserves the right to deny the request for any reason they see fit.
Should a citizen planning a competitive event want to provide a cash reward to the winner(s), the citizen may request the cash prize(s) from the Office of the Blaine County Mayor via a formal proposal.
The proposal must include the following:
– Name, State ID, phone number of the applicant
– Name of the event and supporting promotional materials
– General details about the event and how it will run
– The amount requested for a cash prize and justification for the amount
Should the Blaine County Mayor’s Office accept the request, they will provide the prize funding to the winner(s) via the County account or Blaine County Mayor’s Account via bank transfer after the event has been completed. The prize funding shall never exceed the amount proven/requested, and the Mayor of Blaine County reserves the right to deny the request for any reason they see fit.
Timeline for Enactment: Effective immediately.
Through this legislation, citizens seeking to host events in Blaine County will be empowered by the knowledge and process by which they can utilize to seek help and support via their local government, and Blaine County will prosper as a result of an increase of life, activity, and fun in the North.
Andi Jones
Mayor of Blaine County
July 29, 2024
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