Wheel Clamp Guidelines

Blaine County,Legislation


This piece of legislation is intended to define the parameters for legal use of a wheel clamp in Blaine County.


Constitutional Justification

The Constitution empowers the Mayor of Blaine County to legislate laws that pertain to the residents and operations within Blaine County.



There are only two instances when the use of a wheel clamp is legal:

1. When the vehicle or item being clamped is abandoned on your personally owned private property.

2. When the vehicle or item being clamped has been marked for tow and you are carrying out contracted Tow duties, whether through the local Tow Dispatcher or a private, personally-owned property calling for removal.

  • Tow workers must photograph the state of the illegally parked vehicle they were sent/called to tow.
  • The clamp must only be used to prevent an owner of the illegally parked vehicle moving it or otherwise interfering during the tow process.


Government Vehicles

Government vehicles are exempt from being clamped. Government vehicles are defined for the purposes of this legislation as any Police, EMS, DOC, or Marshall vehicle, regardless if any lights & sirens are active or not.

  • Government vehicles may only be towed upon request by a Government employee from the same faction that the vehicle belongs to after a reasonable amount of time has passed with the vehicle unattended. Any other clamping of a Government vehicle (PD, EMS, DOC, Marshall) will be deemed an unlawful use of the equipment.



Use of a wheel clamp outside of these parameters will result in the charge of “Criminal Misuse of a Towing Clamp” being applied to the offender.



Through this legislation, citizens may gain clarity on the proper use of wheel clamps and understand the penalties associated with improper use.



Andi Jones

Mayor of Blaine County

September 2, 2024