This Legislation provides proper authority and authorization of Legislative Authorities and Government Entities control over their State Assigned Bank Accounts and details how they may be used and restrictions in place.
The Constitution outlines the responsibility and oversight of all Legal and Judicial matters in the State of San Andreas. This legislation will provide clarification and proper guidelines in place to prevent Legislative Authorities over stepping their roles.
As part of the daily operation of the Legislative Authorities of the counties, the State of San Andreas has created and assigned bank accounts to each authority. These accounts are designated as a “State Entity Account”. They are titled the “Los Santos Authority Account”, account number #10, and the “Blaine County Authority Account”, account #11. Additionally, the Los Santos Police Department and the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office have their own accounts, titled “Los Santos Police Account” account #6, and “Blaine County Sheriff Account”, account #12. The San Andreas Department of Justice has their own account titled “DOJ Account”, account #3. Additionally, the San Andreas Department of Justice are in control of the “State Account”. These accounts are in control of the Authority carrying the accounts name.
Authorities are restricted from accessing, withdrawing, or transferring out funds not in their control. Any person may deposit money to these accounts.
Each Authority may create their own internal rules with how the accounts may be accessed and funds divested. These guidelines shall be maintained by the highest authority within each respective authority/department. These funds are required to be used in a lawful manner and any person accessing these funds must comply with all State Laws protecting funds. If an individual, entity, or organization is to be found embezzling or using these funds outside of the scope of public funds they may be liable for punitive damages, restorative damages, and other civil/criminal liabilities.
The records in these accounts are subject to FOIA in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Exceptions must be made for delayed record result delivery as a result of technical delays.
Implemented effective immediately.
𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕭𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖞 𝕬𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑, 𝖘𝖎𝖌𝖓𝖊𝖉 08/03/2024
Amended to add FOIA Provisions – Justice Norman Adams, 8/6/2024
The Los Santos County Mayor’s Office Website is run solely by the Cabinet of Mayor Nino Chavez.
Powered by the De-gen in Chief, Michael Razzel, still no-lifing this muhfucka. $50,000 christmas bonus my ass.
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