This legislation authorizes the Mayor of Los Santos County to address the county’s current food crisis by establishing county-owned and operated food stalls. The act empowers the Mayor to buy out rental or lease agreements of existing food stalls who are interested in selling their lease, to provide consistent access to food and drink for Los Santos citizens. Additionally, the Mayor’s office is authorized to establish the necessary supply chain operations for the management and sustainability of these stalls.
In accordance with Article II and Article IV of the San Andreas Constitution, the County is responsible for promoting the general welfare, providing necessary public services, and upholding the rights to health and property. This Act addresses these constitutional mandates by establishing a system to ensure citizens’ access to food and drink, an essential public service during this crisis.
The Mayor of Los Santos County is empowered to buy out the rental or lease agreements of privately held food stalls who are no longer interested in operating their stall, and wish to get out of their lease.
The Mayor may execute buyouts, with interested parties, for the purpose of converting these stalls into county-owned and operated facilities to provide essential food services.
The Mayor’s office is authorized to establish, manage, and operate county-owned food stalls within Los Santos County. The LSCMO is empowered to enter into agreements with suppliers, distributors, and other entities as needed to maintain a reliable supply chain for food and beverages.
Financial records related to these transactions are subject to public access under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for transparency and accountability. This discretionary purchase, and expenses related to the operation of the county-operated food stall must align with and adhere to the Los Santos County Discretionary Spending Authorization Act
Food and drink sold through county-owned food stalls shall be priced at reasonable rates to ensure affordability and accessibility for all residents.
Proceeds from the operation of these food stalls are to be deposited back into the Los Santos Authority Account (#10).
This legislation shall take effect immediately upon signature.
Nino Chavez
Mayor, Los Santos County
Underwriter: Michael Razzel, 11-04-2024
The Los Santos County Mayor’s Office Website is run solely by the Cabinet of Mayor Nino Chavez.
Powered by the De-gen in Chief, Michael Razzel, still no-lifing this muhfucka. $50,000 christmas bonus my ass.
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